Friday 8 March 2013

Second Chance or Mistake??

Well,one request for you guys,please don't imagine my state here...while i am writing down this Second chance theory..:-)....Its more pathetic than your imagination....;)

Question--Should we give second chance to people(dear ones or loved ones),when they come back after murdering your heart???

Answer--First of all,god save us all from applying this

If you ask me,Giving a Second chance.....Most likely it depends on the state you are in,if you are lonely then you might go back,but if you are busy...then obviously who cares??..:-)
It also(almost) depends on the bond you shared with that person in the past.If it was just a short span affair,its easy to forget but not forgive...So you tend to move on as you will be more delighted to discover other options. But if that person played a long journey in your life,then there is a task for you..then you tend to fall into dilemma.Totally confused,completely drenched into the memories of your golden past,millions of images running into your mind and heart ,making your life full of dizziness.
And if on that note,that person seeks entrance again, your life starts floating...just like paper boat on water,you never no where it will go,and when it will go down.In that case,best option is to think about your priorities in your can't predict the future..irrespective of you are alone or coupled.

Somewhat it also depends on your nature too.If you are carrying a big heart,with all sort of Mr. Great Gandhi's policy,you end up offering your hand again...!!
But if you are like Mr.Hitler's fan,then definitely there is no room for mistakes.Hence,please move on,case solved!!

Well,for me i prefer this-"I am not calling for second chance,give me reason,But don't give me choice,Because i will make the same mistake again"...Thanks Mr.James Blunt...:-)

Last thought:-'You will never know ,giving a SECOND CHANCE  will be a blessing for both of you, Or it will come out as a MISTAKE again committed by you on you!!...

Lets pray ..Nobody gets a CHANCE to apply this "SECOND CHANCE OR MISTAKE THEORY"!!

Thursday 7 March 2013


Lets figure out the “RELATIONSHIP-“YOU ARE IN LOVE
Ask me what I want from life??...I would reply- a Wonderful lady love with wonderful life (Now here’s an exception, that she should understand me) .Now ask me what I have done to achieve this??...I would reply, I purposed her, followed her conditions, took her for the dates, spoke to her romantically ,cuddled her hairs ,took care of her, made love with her ..and so on!!...That’s it??..what about the bad times??...these were the things you committed in your good times. what about your bad times??..did you consoled her when she was in anger??..Did you loved her against her abusing???...why do you become demure in those conditions??...aren’t you supposed to use eloquence in your words. Show your open arms to enclose her ,so that her fast beating heart comes to felicity.
Please Love her irrespective of any condition. Love her like god loves us(in every condition, we live even after our numerous sins).Don’t close your heart, even if you cant open it completely(for some exceptional cases like me) make a lagoon in your heart so that fragrance of your good times, aroma of your love enters through that lagoon into your heart. No need to stretch yourself. You stretch only when you are an employee ,but here you are a partner. just like partners in a business. We share profit and loss in business. Same is the action required here also .share the fights ,share the love ,share the cry ,share the smiles. There is a saying that “GIRLS ARE UNPREDICTABLE OR UN-UNDERSTANDABLE”..Is it?. If you follow this stupid line ,then definitely she will be the biggest Nemesis for you.
As told be a real time sweetheart (so that when she/he calls you sweetheart ,she/he won’t fall into liars and it’s a vice versa thing).And most Quintessential thing is don’t forget that “you are in love”. Discussions are welcomed but not arguments, Its not required(because you cant win) , just listen to her…look into her eyes when she speaks(to check whether she is in really bad mood or not) ,but don’t let her roar for long time, else you will be in trouble again. If its unnecessary then allow your ears act like a pipe open from  both the will help you In turn. Hold her hands softly(to escape from her slaps), while listening to her just like a “first date”  story of your friend, this will calm her down(I hopes so).Kiss her (place of kiss depends on the temperature level, so analyze yourself ) tell her that you are there for her. I care and I love you the way that nobody can(obviously no one will dare to). Agree on everything (everything means everything ,even if she ask for riding a dog on main roads) you can see her melting down(hopefully).hold her in your arms. That’s it!
Now what if I ask you(Girl) ,what do you want in life?? might reply- a nice romantic and calm and dedicated and intelligent and humorous and relaxed and decent and ….and…and…(list continues, but I got you) stop!!..and now what you have done to achieve this?? might reply..I accepted him in my life(proposal),came along with him fighting every odds(genuine thanks for this) ,loved him, helped him in his tougher times, understood him and his labyrinthine(twisted and turning) nature….and so on!!….. is it???? ..what about in hectic times??? you accuse him for all bad happen to you??...tell him how much wrong HE IS(you might be correct also)..but did you ever UNDERSTOOD him??
For male species only three things matters  “Delicious Food, Respect & Sex” ,rest of the things he will take care(including you).Have you ever tried mixing all three elements and serving (here its not related to slavery) elixir mixture to him. Then you stretch yourself to the limit to make him angry. I bet , Rarely you will succeed(leaving brainless exception).
My dear, “understanding” & “reacting” to the partners action is totally two different piece of Tails (Dog’s & Buffalo’s, if you hold their tails you will get different results ). Similarly, Men need UNDERSTANDING more than your love(it’s a 100% reality. You can go through plethora of books or discuss with experts), about latter he knows how to take from you. So no need to put an extra effort on that(love giving) thing. You should keep an eye on them because world is full of vultures, and they might loose their horses. But don’t put them in pitara(don’t feel bad, as this happens even without your realization). If they promised their honesty they will stick to it. you should feel lucky that a Male like animal has promised his honesty. So make sure you hold right tail on right time..
Men posses a property of sand”-If you try to hold the sand in your hand it will be there in your hand,but the more you will try to grip the more you will tend to loose sand out of your hand. Same thing is what Men have in their nature.So I hope what you have to do(I am not saying that you should allow them to live on their terms).
See a Scintilla of doubt & distrust can corrupt a most muscular relationship, If he is disloyal or dishonest then you will get to know at very early times only(one should be intelligent enough to make it out from activities).so trying with dishonest guy wont give you anything(better kick his ass ASAP) will get one(because as world is full of vultures, similarly world is full of dogs also). Definitely you will get your honest doggy!!
Whenever you are in bad state ,try to be calm(its important) and explain yourself. If he has done mischief tell him directly(without being on attack) and seek his explanation(here allow him to speak completely),now don’t  go into Languor state(this will worsen the condition), in fact tell him your expected reaction but don’t yell at him continuously(see if its really a genuine one, he will be sorry, it wont require your shouting).But sometimes Except a Silent Sorry also(Please).
Love him as much as you can, but more than that respect him by your action, your words, your sweetness, after all  don’t forget that “you are in love”.
And when he is in anger just give him a Ripple of your smile and flood of your kisses(I think this is enough for your  lion).
And Please note this thing girls-Don’t match your brain processing and theirs, because men and women both have different level of “GREY ELEMENT” .you cant seek an explanation after saying I would have done this if I would have been in your place. Obviously he knows your intelligence, that’s why he has chosen you (By the way looks also matter),else he could have gone with a stunning looking(but no brain) girl. So please be like princess as they  themselves want to call you by this name(Be their princess, what happened if they are little fool??) .
“Forgive your slave 70 times a day for his/her mistakes”-Prophet Mohammed.
Now do I need to explain any further???..after all they are your MANNNN!!..your hand in difficult times, your hankie in your sadness, your joker in your entertainment, and (obviously your partner  with whom  you will plan your cubs)..
See only and only panacea (solution for all problems) is love from both ends & Understanding from one end(just kidding).
Love your partners rather than solving out mysteries that “HOW COME THIS BLOODY THING HAPPENED”???..AND WHY??..Because you will never know, At what time you have to bid goodbye to them and then leaving you with that petrichor smell residing now only in your Breaths!!  
We think ,we will take others to our satisfaction. But unfortunately this a “wrong anticipation of our brain juices”. Satisfaction doesn’t come with self satisfaction. Never ever it will. Else there would have been no Mother Teresa,….or Abraham Lincoln or My Mother(or any mother) for that matter.
You can rule others, only when you will allow them to grow their demesne on yourself. Be happy for the love you  have, keep your anger ephemeral .God knows when this glamour of our life comes to an end. After that you wont be able to tell your love the dalliance of your feeling. So don’t waste your breath on fuming anger or remorse, rather hold your partner in your hands and exchange your breaths (only after confirming respective breath smell).
You have to hold each other to conflate in each others life with purity and passion(of course)
Loving a person is just like a pyrrhic war(successful with heavy loses)..and it is like this and will be like this…after all what matter’s to you(you both know the answer)…Because you both are talisman for each other!!!!!!!!
Good luck lovers & Non-Lovers!!
Just remember” you are in love”….:-)..& For Non-Lovers No Need to remember “You are safe”..:-)